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Ski Holidays Japan

Why should I have a Ski Holiday in Japan?
Japans History
Skiing in Japan has only recently been discovered by the rest of the world. A mountainous country, Japan has scores of ski resorts, some dating back to the early parts of the twentieth century. These resorts only really became so numerous as the Japanese economy was booming through the 1980’s and with a cashed up local population there was no desire in the Japanese ski industry to target foreign clientele.
World Class Skiing Destination
With a strong Yen and impressions that Japan was a very expensive destination this also kept interest in the “Japan Ski Holiday Experience” to a minimum. That began to change in the mid Nineties and now the secret is out. Japan is a world class skiing destination!!
Your next Ski Holiday in Japan
A Holiday in Japan is not expensive!
The "Expensive Japan" myth still persists but here are some comparisons when considering your next ski holiday. A lift pass in Hakuba is Y4500/day, that’s AUD$54, less than HALF the price of an Australian resort lift pass, and just over half the price at comparative Nth American resorts. You can also get a meal for Y800 (AUD$9.60) and accommodation starts at Y3500 (AUD$42). No other first world ski resorts are as affordable as Japan for a ski holiday.
You also save on airfares. If you’re coming from Asia or Australasia the time zone is pretty similar so you don’t lose a day in transit and arrive jetlagged after long flights like you do when travelling to Europe or North America.
Experience Japan's Culture
A Japanese ski holiday is also culturally different, the cuisine and local hospitality are second to none.
And of course the snow!!!!! The main reason for any ski holiday. Japan gets about 10 metres on average per season compared to between 4 and 6 metres for most European ski resorts, 3 for New Zealand and just 1.5 for Australian resorts. Why go anywhere else?
A Ski Holiday should be in Hakuba Japan
So you’ve decided on Japan for your ski holiday, but where? There are hundreds of resorts to choose from but here are a few facts about the more popular ones.
Hakuba has well over 100 lifts making it one of the biggest ski areas in Japan. It has terrain for all levels from wide open beginner runs to serious experts only backcountry and everything in between.
The weather is relatively pleasant with temperatures rarely getting below -5 Celsius in the village and of course there’s the proximity to other great resorts like Nozawa Onsen as well as Tokyo and other cultural destinations that are not far away.
Compare that to say Niseko with under 40 lifts. They do have great snow but the flatter terrain can be a little limited for those in search of more variety in runs. It can also get to -20 degrees, pretty chilly for the kids! To get there you have to take an extra flight making the package more expensive and culturally, well you could be forgiven for thinking you were in Australia!
This is not saying Niseko isn’t a good place, it’s just that Hakuba offers so much more. If you are going to Japan to ski, a holiday in the Japanese Alps can’t be beaten.
See you on the slopes ;)
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One of the largest ski areas on one pass in the...
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To arrange a more personalised holiday, for more information about Hakuba and the region, or just any questions you can think of about skiing in Japan don‘t hesitate to contact us...